New Report Underscores Need for Driscoll Filed Legislation
In the news: MHA’s Report Details Hospital Stay and Access to Care Challenges JUNE 30, 2023 Earlier this month, the Massachusetts Health...

Rep. Driscoll Submits Testimony in Support of H.332
BOSTON, JUNE 28, 2023 Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. submitted the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Consumer Protection...

Rep. Driscoll Submits Testimony in Support of H.2153
BOSTON, June 21, 2023 Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. submitted the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Public Health, in...

Rep. Driscoll Submits Testimony in Support of H.1000
BOSTON, JUNE 7, 2023 Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. submitted the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Financial Services, in...

Public Meeting | Mattapan Line Transformation Program (Virtual)
On Tuesday, June 20, at 6:30 p.m., the MBTA will host a virtual public meeting to share project updates related to the Mattapan Line.

Stop by the Concert on the Common in Milton!
Stop by Manning Park in East Milton to enjoy some live music and ice cream! Date: June 9th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.