Rep. Driscoll Signs onto Resolution Recognizing June 5th as National Gun Violence Awareness Day
PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING JUNE 5TH AS NATIONAL GUN VIOLENCE AWARENESS DAY This proclamation recognizes the first Friday in June as...
Rep. Driscoll Joins Progressive Caucus in Letter to State Senate Regarding Transportation Funding
June 29, 2020 Dear Senate President Spilka, Chair Rodrigues, and Members of the Massachusetts Senate: As members of the House...

House Passes Measure to Provide More Than $1 Billion in Federal Reimbursement for COVID-19 Needs
Reimbursement for COVID-19 Needs; The Bill Also Establishes Juneteenth as a State Holiday BOSTON, JUNE 26, 2020 – This week House Speaker...

Rep. Driscoll: Juneteenth and COVID-19 Trends
Dear Friends, I write to share a brief legislative update, followed by an update on where we currently stand with COVID-19. Today:...
Rep. Driscoll: Addressing Systemic Inequities
Dear Friends, Last week I reflected on the events here at home and across the country in response to the death of George Floyd. [Link: A...

Rep. Driscoll Statement on State Aid and Randolph Public Schools
MILTON, JUNE 9, 2020 - I have recently heard from many in the Randolph Public Schools (RPS) community concerned about possible school...
Rep. Driscoll: A Revealing Moment for Our Nation
Dear Friends, It's my continued hope that you and your families have remained healthy and safe. At this time, I would like to share some...

House Passes Bill to Provide Voting Options Amid Pandemic
BOSTON, JUNE 4, 2020 – House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and Representative Bill Driscoll Jr., Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on Election...

Memorial Day Message from Rep. Driscoll
Dear Friends, Although Memorial Day is often noted as the beginning of the summer season and marked with retail sales, it is most...
House Passes Bond Bill to Strengthen State’s IT Infrastructure
BOSTON, MAY 20, 2020 – House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and Representative Bill Driscoll, Jr. joined their colleagues in the House to pass...