House Passes Historic Education Funding Bill
Prioritizes investments to close opportunity gaps, support English learners and low-income students BOSTON, OCT. 23, 2019 – Today State...

Driscoll-led Legislation for Blue Hills Passed into Law
Blue Hills Forest Health, Deer Population and Culling to be Independently Studied BOSTON, OCT. 11 – The Massachusetts House and Senate...

Rep. Driscoll Votes to Pass Campaign Finance Legislation
The Act increases campaign transparency and streamlines financial reporting BOSTON, SEPT. 26 – State Representative Bill Driscoll Jr....

Statement from Representative Driscoll on the Recent RMV Scandal
BOSTON, JUL. 29 - I am pleased to hear that the Joint Committee on Transportation will reconvene on Tuesday, July 30 and continue the...

Statement from Representative Driscoll on MassDOT's Route 28/Chickatawbut Rd Public Information
MILTON, JUL. 25 - Thank you to all of the neighbors, community members, town officials and electeds who attended the MassDOT presentation...

Legislature Passes $1.9 Billion Transportation Funding
BOSTON, JUN. 7 - State Representative William J. Driscoll, Jr. joined his colleagues in the Massachusetts House of Representatives to...

Driscoll Votes to Pass Employee Rights Legislation
BOSTON, JUN. 6 - Representative Bill Driscoll Jr., (D-Milton) along with his colleagues in the Massachusetts House of Representatives...

State Reps Secure Funds for Safer School Crossing
PHOTO: Crosswalk at Route 138 and Oak Street in Milton (Credit: GoogleMaps June 2018) MILTON, MAY 15 - State Representatives for Milton,...

House Passes Distracted Driving Legislation
BOSTON, MAY 16 – Yesterday Representative Bill Driscoll Jr., (D-Milton) together with his colleagues in the Massachusetts House of...

House Passes FY20 Budget
House Passes Balanced Budget with Funding for Local Projects in the 7th Norfolk District BOSTON, APR 25– This week Representative...