November Office Hours for Representative Bill Driscoll, Jr.
Dunkin' Donuts, 1245 N Main St, Randolph – Wednesday, November 7th, at 2-3pm Starbucks, 552 Adams St, Milton – Wednesday, November 7th,...
JetBlue Action Good for Milton and Beyond
MILTON, OCT. 10, 2018 - State Representative Driscoll welcomed Jet Blue’s announcement today that the airline company will begin to...

Milton Resident Honored at State House Event
BOSTON, JUN. 29 - Nancy Lanata of Milton was honored at the 15th Annual Unsung Heroines of Massachusetts Awards ceremony at the...

Driscoll and Cullinane Secure Teen Center Funding
BOSTON, MAY. 2 - During the recent House budget debate on Beacon Hill, State Representatives Bill Driscoll Jr. and Dan Cullinane secured...

Calling Volunteers
MILTON, APR. 5 - Volunteers are needed to help households affected by the recent Nor’easters. Some of our neighbors in Quincy could still...

Driscoll Signs Support Letter for Massachusetts Pollinators
MILTON, MAR. 23 - Representative Driscoll signed a letter of support today for Representative Dykema's bill, H. 4041. The bill in...

The Patriot Ledger: Legislators Want Better Notice of Trolley Shutdowns
MILTON, FEB. 12 - State legislators from Milton and Dorchester want the MBTA to give riders better notice when the Mattapan High-Speed...

The Patriot Ledger: Milton Gets Flight Data
MILTON, FEB. 12 - State Representative Dan Cullinane & I attended the most recent meeting of Milton’s Air Noise Advisory Committee (ANAC)...

February Office Hours for State Representative Bill Driscoll, Jr.
Lincoln Room, Randolph Town Hall, 41 South Main Street, Randolph – Friday, February 2nd, at 1-2pm Starbucks, 552 Adams St, Milton –...