Rep. Driscoll Submits Testimony in Support of H.2153
BOSTON, June 21, 2023 Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. submitted the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Public Health, in...

Rep. Driscoll Submits Testimony in Support of H.1000
BOSTON, JUNE 7, 2023 Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. submitted the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Financial Services, in...

Public Meeting | Mattapan Line Transformation Program (Virtual)
On Tuesday, June 20, at 6:30 p.m., the MBTA will host a virtual public meeting to share project updates related to the Mattapan Line.

Stop by the Concert on the Common in Milton!
Stop by Manning Park in East Milton to enjoy some live music and ice cream! Date: June 9th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Rep. Driscoll Celebrates Haitian Heritage Month
MAY 31, 2023 On Wednesday, May 24th, Representative Driscoll joined his colleagues in celebrating Haitian Heritage Month at the...

Honoring our Fallen Service Members – Memorial Day 2023
Representative Driscoll joined local officials and many community members in the district on Monday, May 29th, to remember and honor our...

Rep. Driscoll Submits Input on Development of MA Clean Heat Standard
BOSTON, MAY 23, 2023 – Last week, Representative Driscoll submitted input to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection...

Milton & Randolph Awarded MAPC Technical Assistance Program Grant
APRIL 25, 2023 Each year the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) awards funding to several Massachusetts cities and towns to...

The Boston Marathon Bombing 10 Years Later
APRIL 15, 2023 Today marks 10 years since the bombing at the Boston Marathon. During formal session on Thursday, April 13th, I led the...

APRIL 6, 2023 The House signed a resolution recognizing March 2023 as Kidney Disease Awareness Month to raise awareness of kidney-related...