House Passes Jobs Bill to Spur Economy Amid Pandemic
Bold Bill Will Invest in Housing and Legalize Sports Betting BOSTON, AUG. 3, 2020 – Faced with an economy buffeted by COVID-19 State...

Massachusetts Legislature Passes Critical Legislation to Safeguard Fall 2020 Elections
BOSTON, JULY 6, 2020 – Representative Bill Driscoll, Jr. ( D- Milton) joined his colleagues in the Massachusetts Legislature last week to...

House Passes Measure to Provide More Than $1 Billion in Federal Reimbursement for COVID-19 Needs
Reimbursement for COVID-19 Needs; The Bill Also Establishes Juneteenth as a State Holiday BOSTON, JUNE 26, 2020 – This week House Speaker...

Rep. Driscoll: Juneteenth and COVID-19 Trends
Dear Friends, I write to share a brief legislative update, followed by an update on where we currently stand with COVID-19. Today:...

Rep. Driscoll Statement on State Aid and Randolph Public Schools
MILTON, JUNE 9, 2020 - I have recently heard from many in the Randolph Public Schools (RPS) community concerned about possible school...

House Passes Bill to Provide Voting Options Amid Pandemic
BOSTON, JUNE 4, 2020 – House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and Representative Bill Driscoll Jr., Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on Election...

Rep. Driscoll Statement on Reopening Massachusetts
MILTON, MAY 19, 2020 - This week Governor Baker unveiled plans aimed at a phased in reopening of Massachusetts. The plans officially mark...
Massachusetts Legislature Passes Legal Protections for Health Care Workers and Facilities
BOSTON, APR. 17, 2020 – On April 17, State Representative Bill Driscoll, Jr. (D – Milton) along with his colleagues in the Massachusetts...

Mass Legislature Passes Bill to Help Vulnerable Residents, Support Schools Amid the Pandemic
Provisions address homelessness, MCAS testing requirements BOSTON, APR. 11, 2020 – State Representative Bill Driscoll, Jr. (D – Milton)...

House Passes Legislation to Address Challenges Faced by School Systems and Vulnerable Residents
BOSTON, APR. 2, 2020 – On April 2, House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo and State Representative Bill Driscoll, Jr. (D-Milton) along with their...