Driscoll Amendment Helps to Secure Funding for Randolph Economic Opportunity Center

BOSTON, APR. 27 - During the House budget debate for Fiscal Year 18, Representative William Driscoll Jr. secured $25,000 for the Randolph Economic Opportunity Center. The center will aim to improve financial stability, employment services, job training, educational services, language skills, and financial literacy for all Randolph residents. It will be housed in the new Randolph Intergenerational Community Center.
"The Randolph Economic Opportunity Center will contribute a lot to the community and residents," said Representative Driscoll, "and I know it is something that David Murphy, our excellent Town Manager, has been working hard on for a long time." "I'd like to thank my colleagues, and fellow Randolph elected officials, Representative Ayers and Representative Cusack for their support in co-sponsoring the amendment," added Representative Driscoll.
The Randolph Town Manager, David Murphy also spoke on the $25,000 amendment. "We are appreciative of the efforts of Rep. Bill Driscoll and our delegation in securing this important funding,” he stated. “This center will provide a variety of important opportunities for our residents that are not currently found in Randolph. Our goal is to help residents improve their family income and assets and deal with any challenges and obstacles to that goal."
The Randolph Economic Opportunity Center is being modeled on the successful “Connect” program in Chelsea.