Driscoll Statement on Rally Against Hate

BOSTON, MAY 1 – State Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. issued the following statement today regarding recent anti-semitic incidents in Milton:
"Yesterday, I stood in solidarity with Chairperson Conlon, the faith leaders of Milton, and 200 others at Pierce Middle School for the Rally Against Hate. We came together to demonstrate the importance of preaching peace and understanding in our town, because, as most people are aware, there have been several unsavory incidents in Milton over the course of the last nine months. These incidents underscore how important it is for each of us to be cognizant of how we are treating others, and in turn, what we are teaching our children through our words and actions.
It is always important to stand up for what is right, and to call out those who are attempting to denigrate our friends and neighbors through racial and sectarian slurs. If you hear something discriminatory being said in our community, don't let it go unchallenged."