Calling Volunteers

MILTON, APR. 5 - Volunteers are needed to help households affected by the recent Nor’easters.
Some of our neighbors in Quincy could still use a hand cleaning up from flooding as a result of this winter’s storms. The disaster response organization, Team Rubicon, has been assisting in our area and they plan to return the weekend of April 14th & 15th.
As plans for the weekend volunteer service firm up, we will get in touch with more details.
If you are interested in learning more about this disaster response volunteer opportunity and other future volunteer opportunities, please email : and include your contact information and availability for the weekend of April 14th and 15th.
Prior to his election, Rep Driscoll worked full-time for over a decade responding to natural disasters around the US. Recently, he reached out to his old network to arrange for voluntary tree removal assistance for constituents in Milton and Randolph after the Nor’easter's high winds toppled trees.
Over this past Easter weekend, he joined a group of volunteers from Team Rubicon ( and volunteered locally. Team Rubicon has additional households in Quincy on their list that are still in need of flood cleanup. With this in mind, we are looking to recruit volunteers to help Team Rubicon service the remaining needs nearby.