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Rep. Driscoll Statement on Bicyclist Tragedy on Blue Hills Parkway

November 18, 2020

A statement from State Representative Driscoll of Milton:

"I am deeply saddened to learn that a bicyclist was struck and killed on Blue Hills Parkway in Milton yesterday. My heart goes out to all those who knew her. Although we still don't have full details, it is clear that safety on the Parkway must be improved. Earlier this year I filed an amendment to the Transportation Bond bill that seeks to add curbing to the Blue Hills Parkway and a dedicated, protected, shared use bike and pedestrian pathway. Following other tragedies in the recent past involving vehicles and pedestrians on the nearby Truman Parkway, DCR expedited the installation of signaled crossings, lane reconfiguration, and signage. I hope that Blue Hills Parkway will get the same expedited treatment, so we can improve safety and prevent future tragedies."



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