Brookwood Community Farm Awarded Five-Year DCR Permit
JANUARY 31, 2025
Brookwood Community Farm, located at the foot of Big Blue in the Blue Hills State Park, has secured a long sought after extension to continue farming on the site they've called home since 2006.
Brookwood focuses on utilizing sustainable agriculture to produce fresh, accessible, and healthy foods. Many area constituents are involved as volunteers, board members, CSA members or visitors to their annual community events. After years of successive one-year extensions, Brookwood was recently awarded a five-year permit by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). This was a major win for the organization, the Blue Hills and the surrounding communities.
For several years, Senator Driscoll has taken an active role in helping Brookwood navigate the permit extension process. Most recently, Driscoll wrote and submitted a letter of support to DCR advocating for the farm’s continued operation on the site for years to come.
"I'm excited to have Brookwood Community Farm continue to call the Blue Hills home and grow their roots even deeper in the region. I've seen first hand their commitment to community-based farming with a thoughtful approach to agriculture, and efforts to support other area nonprofits and social service agencies via the food they grow," said Driscoll.
If you want to learn more about Brookwood, or would like to become more engaged with the farm, check out their annual meeting on Sunday, February 2nd, from 2:30pm to 4:30pm at Prowse Farm (5 Blue Hill River Road, Canton).