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Rep. Driscoll Submits Input on Development of MA Clean Heat Standard

BOSTON, MAY 23, 2023 – Last week, Representative Driscoll submitted input to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on the development of a proposed clean heat standard (CHS) regulation and related heating fuel supplier reporting requirements.

In his letter to DEP Secretary Bonnie Heiple, Rep. Driscoll emphasized the importance of protecting and involving low-and-moderate income (LMI) and environmental justice (EJ) populations throughout the development process, stating that CHS regulations can only be useful for meeting the Commonwealth’s decarbonization and EJ mandates if properly implemented.

Noting in his letter that the 7th Norfolk District, particularly the town of Randolph, is home to environmental justice populations, Rep. Driscoll expressed that he had seen firsthand the damage inflicted on these populations when they are not adequately included in the early stages of planning and program design. The Representative called on DEP to consider the direct and indirect burdens and benefits of clean heat standard regulations and to ensure that efforts are focused on soliciting input from LMI and EJ communities as the Department moves forward.

As lead sponsor of H. 3694 (An Act relative to the clean heat standard), establishing a clean heat standard in Massachusetts is priority for Rep. Driscoll, who was pleased to see the Commonwealth’s Commission on Clean Heat recommend the immediate pursuit of a CHS in their final report last fall. While the Representative recognizes that establishing a clean heat standard is crucial to meeting the Commonwealth’s climate goals, he also believes it is critical that the state gets the difficult details of this complex program correct early on.

More information on DEP’s initiative to develop a regulatory standard is available here.

The full text of Rep. Driscoll’s bill to establish a clean heat standard is available here.



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