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(Updated) Rep. Driscoll statement on recent changes to the Neponset Valley Parkway & Milton Street

UPDATE (08/05/2020)

Upon receiving input from constituents about the recent changes, I relayed those safety concerns to DCR. Following outreach from the Town & the state delegation, they have moved forward and reviewed the recent changes made. The review has led to DCR deciding to modify the intersection by placing a stop sign on the Parkway. All told, the intersection now includes the following modifications:

  • Stop sign at Milton St.

  • Stop sign at the corner of NV Pkwy and Milton St.

  • Painted turning lane on the parkway coming from Hyde Park

DCR and their engineers have assured us that this is a safe alternative, and plan to hold a public info session as early as as the end of August 2020. The purpose of this info session is to detail re-design options for this area with regard to making the driving angles and geometry of the area more normal and safer for all modes of transit. The meeting will be an opportunity for the public to hear from engineers about their considerations and ideas for making the area safer through reconstruction.

Below is my earlier statement prior to the review regarding the intersection from July 29, 2020. Thank you to everyone who shared their concerns in a constructive way. I will do my best to keep everyone informed of future opportunities for input.

Be well, Bill


The following is an earlier statement issued on July 29, 2020

In recent weeks, I have been asked about the new changes to the Neponset Valley Parkway and Milton St/Brush Hill Rd.

The improvements to this area occurred following a lengthy, multi-year process by the Town of Milton Traffic Commission and Select Board, as well as the state’s Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). All of these entities have some level of jurisdiction over the roadways there, and all approved the final result after diligent study and data analysis, and considered through the lens of budget and capacity.

This has been an issue of concern since my first day serving as your State Representative. I have been engaged working with each entity, reading the reports and statistics, and demanding important answers on behalf of my constituents. I was proud to secure nearly half a million dollars in a bond authorization to help improve this area and enhance the safety at the adjacent intersections. In my role, I serve as a liaison to facilitate these conversations to reach consensus between the state and town. When constituents raise matters of safety, know that your concerns are a priority for me.

At least three engineers at three separate organizations during the change and vetting process concurred that the changes are safer than what was there prior. I am a frequent visitor and commuter in this area, and over the past week in particular, have spent considerable time driving through these intersections at different times of day to observe the problems and the new concerns raised firsthand.

I take these new concerns seriously, just as I have with community concerns from Day One. Since the most recent change was made and having heard the subsequent concerns raised by many, I have asked DCR to place additional support signage. They have done so in all approaching directions to make drivers aware of the traffic pattern changes. Additionally, DCR traffic engineers have visited the site multiple times and they are reviewing the new intersection configuration.

In closing, I am always receptive to and encouraging of additional safety improvements. I appreciate the community’s ongoing dialogue and remain committed to engaging with my constituents, as well as my partners serving the Town of Milton and at the state.



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