Driscoll Sends Letter to MBTA General Manager about Milton Station Staircase
On Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Representative Driscoll sent a letter to General Manager Poftak at the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, urging for prompt repair and reopening of the Adams Street staircase at Milton Station. Full text of the letter is below:
September 6, 2022
The Honorable Steve Poftak
General Manager
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
RE: Milton Station Staircase
Dear General Manager Poftak:
I was pleased to hear that the first station to be worked on as part of the $118M Mattapan Line Transformation project will be Milton Station. As you know, the station, particularly the Adams Street staircase, is a safety hazard and blighted eyesore that requires significant and immediate attention. I hope that the MBTA can utilize a portion of the $118M that has already been committed to the overall Transformation Project and accelerate not only the demolition but also the reopening of the staircase.
The Milton Station staircase demolition should only proceed when there is a plan in place that results in a repaired or new replacement staircase reopening within a reasonable time frame after the demolition is completed.
The staircase and direct access to and from Milton Station via Adams Street has been closed for far too long. The prospect of having to wait additional years for the staircase to reopen is unacceptable. Not only should this repair project have already been prioritized by the MBTA, but myself and members of the Milton Delegation have consistently attempted to focus the MBTA’s efforts on the gravity of this problem. If necessary, the MBTA should seek any waivers regarding ADA compliance issues for the time being and accelerate the plan to reopen the staircase. Currently, there are two at grade access points to the station via the track adjacent parking lots and Greenway trail. However, these access points cross private and public property that may eventually be redeveloped and rendered inaccessible during construction or rerouted altogether. This provides all the more reason to ensure that direct pedestrian access via a replacement staircase to and from Adams Street is restored as soon as possible. With funding for the Transformation Project already committed, a timeline for when riders can expect the Adams Street access point to be restored is essential.
It is my understanding that the Milton Select Board has sent another letter seeking a response and the immediate repairing and reopening of the staircase. I hope that you are able to provide a clear plan for the restoration of direct Adams Street/Milton Station access to the Town of Milton and riders of the Mattapan High Speed Line without delay.
William J. Driscoll Jr.
State Representative 7th Norfolk
