Driscoll Statement Following BORN Hearing
JULY 14, 2023
The following is Representative Bill Driscoll Jr.'s official statement following BORN's hearing related to Labouré College of Healthcare's nursing program:
"At the July 12th hearing with the Board of Registration in Nursing (BORN), Labouré College of Healthcare was given Approval with Warning status for their Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) program. Prior to the hearing the ASN program was under threat of losing its approval to continue next year; a decision that would have been catastrophic for students, the school, and the Commonwealth's healthcare workforce pipeline.
Via this decision, it is evident that BORN is working with Labouré College toward achieving collective goals. I thank all those involved in helping to reach this pivotal outcome. I hope the efforts underway will limit any disruption to the lives of students as well as the school’s ability to continue educating future nurses. The results of the hearing on July 12th are encouraging and leave me hopeful for the future of Labouré College and their current and future students."
Please read more about Labouré and their nursing program in our previous post.