Driscoll Statement in Response to SJC's Ruling

January 9, 2025
Please see Senator Driscoll’s public statement regarding the SJC's ruling involving Milton and the MBTA Communities Act:
"Recently, the Court found that HLC’s guidelines related to the MBTA Communities Act were procedurally defective and unenforceable. When the new guidelines are put together it is my hope that they are promulgated properly by the Administration and that they fairly and appropriately classify Milton’s MBTA service in accordance with the law. Milton is within half a mile of several commuter rail stations. Milton does not have subway service. Milton is not within a half mile of a subway station. The MBTA Communities Act clearly states that proximity not more than 0.5 miles to certain types of transit stations matters and any future guidance promulgated should accurately reflect the relevant modes and proximity to such stations. The previous guidance that was deemed defective and unenforceable by the SJC this week did not appropriately classify Milton. I hope that this is corrected in the future guidelines from HLC.
Looking to the future, it is my belief that properly promulgated guidelines should also include an administrative appeal process for communities that - like Milton - feel they have been inconsistently designated or handled under implementation of the law or its guidelines. An administrative appeals mechanism would allow MBTA communities to raise their specific concerns in a consistent process, and perhaps keep implementation or classification matters out of the courtroom.
Following this court decision the Administration should immediately send Milton the full amount it was previously awarded via the Seaport Council Grant process. Additionally, Milton should have its ability and opportunity to apply for State grants restored.
I look forward to working with the Healey-Driscoll Administration, the Town of Milton, as well as local and state colleagues from all MBTA communities as the guidelines process moves forward."