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Driscoll welcomes Elder Affairs Chair to Simon C. Fireman Community (Hebrew SeniorLife) in Randolph

RANDOLPH, DEC. 1, 2021 - Representative Driscoll and House Chair of the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs Thomas Stanley met with Hebrew SeniorLife leadership, staff, and residents to learn about the Right Care, Right Place, Right Time (R3) program.

Service Enriched Housing: A Demonstration Project

Hebrew SeniorLife (HSL), in conjunction with the Leading Age Long-Term Services and Supports Centre at UMass Boston and other partners, launched Right Care, Right Place, Right Time: Effectively Integrating Senior Care and Housing (R3) in 2016. R3 was originally designed as a demonstration project to prove out the value of service-enriched affordable senior housing and its impact on seniors’ ability to live independently, health outcomes, and health care expenditures.

Significant findings from the initial demonstration led to a subsequent round of funding focused on sustainability and replicability. Key components of R3 include embedding a nurse and social worker in housing sites to proactively coordinate with residents and strengthen connections between housing and the healthcare system. The R3 team conducts assessments and routine check in calls, risk stratifies the population based on established key risk factors, works to put services in place to meet needs, partners with organizations to strengthen care coordination and communication and tracks/trends data to monitor results.

Source: Hebrew SeniorLife (HSL) - R3: Effectively Integrating Senior Care and Housing



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