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Massachusetts Election Day 2022 – Tuesday, November 8th

Election Day in Massachusetts is Tuesday, November 8th. Make sure to get out and vote! There are several options to ensure accessibility and convenience for Massachusetts voters:

In-Person Early Voting

Registered voters in Massachusetts can arrive to their Town Hall before Election Day to cast their vote. No application or mailing necessary.

To vote early in Milton, visit Town Hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Monday-Thursday, or between 8:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Friday.

Milton Town Hall Address: 525 Canton Avenue, Milton, MA

To vote early in Randolph, visit Town Hall until Friday, November 4th between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

Randolph Town Hall Address: 41 South Main Street, Randolph, MA

Vote at the Polls

Arrive at your assigned precinct location to vote at the polls on Election Day. Visit Sec.State.MA.US to find out your voting location. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Vote by Mail

Visit the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website for more information.

If you requested a ballot by mail:

Upon receiving your Vote by Mail ballot in the mail, voters should fill out the ballot, place the ballot in the affidavit envelop, sign the envelop, and return the completed ballot to the Town Clerk’s Office. Ballots may be mailed to or dropped off at the Town Clerk’s Office before the polls close on Tuesday, November 8th. Ballots may not be returned to a precinct polling location.

Absentee Voting

Eligibility to vote via Absentee Ballot:

● Individual is away from the city or town they are registered in on Election Day; or

● Individual has a disability preventing them from voting at their assigned polling place; or

● Individual has a religious belief preventing them from voting at their assigned polling place on Election Day.

Mailed Absentee Ballots require a similar process as voting by mail.

Please find additional Election Day information for the Towns of Milton and Randolph on their websites.



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