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Milton Senior Tax Work Off Program

Cap Increased from $1,500 to $2,000

The Senior Tax Work Off Credit in the Town of Milton has recently increased by $500 to a maximum amount of $2,000. The Senior Tax Work Off program allows qualifying senior homeowners to volunteer their time for the Town of Milton and work off up to $2,000 from their property tax bill.

Applicants must be residents of the Town of Milton who are 60 years of age or older. They must be a homeowner or spouse of a homeowner, with income no more than $45,000/year as an individual or $60,000/year for a two-person household. Copies of the applicant’s most recent tax bill as well as their last Federal Tax Return will be required.

Additionally, applications must own and occupy the subject property as of January 1st of the same calendar year, have resided in Milton for at least 5 years before applying, and must directly pay their property tax bill (not through another organization or entity).

Available jobs are determined by the needs of Town Departments and may be available at various locations throughout the town. Compensation equates to $15/hour (with no benefits), are subject to withholding for federal income tax purposes, and will be credited towards the senior’s property tax obligations to the town.

Applications will be reviewed by the Milton Council on Aging (COA) Director, and/or other Department Heads. Jobs will be offered to eligible applicants on the basis of qualifications, availability, location, transportation, physical limitations (if any), and compatibility with position requirements.

Applications are available at the Senior Center or by mail or email.

More information, and the program application can be found, here.  

Any questions should be directed to:

Phone: (617) 898-4893



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