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Randolph to receive millions more in funding



This morning, Governor Baker announced that four of our hardest hit communities will receive a fairer share of federal funding to address disparities in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocations.

This is especially welcome and encouraging news for Randolph in particular. The commitment announced today includes distributing $100 million to address disparities in funding allocations experienced by the four communities. Early on, Randolph stood out with a disproportionately high volume of coronavirus infection rates and is considered one of the twenty most COVID-19 impacted municipalities in the Commonwealth. This funding is essential in providing Randolph the resources needed for ongoing COVID-19 response efforts and economic recovery. I look forward to the working with colleagues in the Legislature and the Governor's administration to finalize the details after the US Treasury publishes final payment figures for all Massachusetts communities in the coming weeks.

I want to thank my friend and colleague Representative Dan Ryan who represents Chelsea, one of the other communities outside of Randolph that was underfunded, who helped quickly raise the issue with me and other elected leaders at all levels of government.

I'm glad that the Governor will work with Legislature to fix this funding issue for Randolph, Chelsea, Everett, and Methuen. These four municipalities will be able to use this $100 million in direct aid to support costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including direct response efforts, addressing negative economic impacts, replacing revenue lost during the pandemic, making investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure, as well as other eligible expenditures.



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