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Rep. Driscoll Submits Testimony in Support of H.3693

AUGUST 2, 2023

Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. submitted the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy, in support of H.3693, An Act achieving a green future with infrastructure and workforce investments:

I am writing to respectfully request that H. 3693, An Act achieving a green future with infrastructure and workforce investments, receive a favorable report from the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. Also known as the Green Future Act, this bill would unlock $10 billion through carbon pricing for investments in state and local green infrastructure projects that fight the climate crisis.

H. 3693 funds green infrastructure by expanding an existing state program that charges fossil fuel companies a fee for the air pollution they emit. It also includes funding from a new green bonding program, focused on state and local infrastructure. Among its key features, the bill requires that no less than 60 percent of infrastructure funding benefit environmental justice (EJ) communities – an especially important feature for towns like Randolph, an EJ community located in my district.

As we continue to confront the climate crisis, it is imperative we invest in green infrastructure to strengthen our resiliency and improve the quality of life in communities throughout the Commonwealth. I greatly appreciate your consideration of this legislation, and I hope the Committee will report H. 3693 out favorably. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with questions or requests for additional information.




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