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Rep. Driscoll Submits Testimony in Support of H.3694

Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. submitted the following testimony to the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy, in support of H.3694, An Act relative to the clean heat standard:

I am writing to respectfully request that H. 3694, An Act relative to the clean heat standard, receive a favorable report from the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. I filed this legislation to ensure the Commonwealth moves a step closer toward meeting its emission reduction obligations outlined in the Global Warming Solutions Act. Applying market-based mechanisms, a Clean Heat Standard can be an effective way to fund decarbonization efforts for buildings and homes.

This policy would award clean heat credits to any person, organization, or company that completes projects that reduce a building’s emissions. H.3694 would also require gas, oil, and propane fuel heating sellers reduce greenhouse gas emissions attributable to the state’s thermal sector by retiring an increasing number of credits every year based on the emissions of the fuels they sell within the state, creating a system where heating fuel sellers are incentivized to reduce their overall emissions and help consumers decarbonize their buildings.

As we are aware, the impacts of climate change are no longer in the future. From prolonged heat waves to the more frequent wildfires, it is clear Massachusetts cannot afford to wait any longer to enact legislation to further combat the climate crisis by establishing a Clean Heat Standard. In its final report, the Commonwealth’s Commission on Clean Heat strongly recommended the establishment of a Clean Heat Standard. If enacted, this bill would put us in line with that recommendation, enabling Massachusetts to lead on this issue by becoming the third state to establish such a standard.

Thank you for your consideration of this legislation, I hope the Committee will report H. 3694 out favorably. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with questions or requests for additional information.



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