Rep. Driscoll Swears in Newest AmeriCorps Members
BOSTON, Nov. 5, 2021 — On Wednesday, Representative Driscoll spoke at the 2021 MA AmeriCorps Opening Day Swearing-In Celebration. Gathering at the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common, roughly 100 AmeriCorps members heard the Representative speak on his own experience serving in AmeriCorps. In addition to his remarks, Rep. Driscoll swore in their newest members by reciting the AmeriCorps pledge.
As he reflects on his time serving in AmeriCorps and how it contributed to his interest in becoming a public official, the Representative is grateful to all those involved with the network and the work they do serving communities throughout the Commonwealth. Driscoll served in AmeriCorps as part of the national service program’s response to Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi during 2006-2007. During his 10+ year career in disaster response, he led thousands of AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) members in multiple states following natural disasters.
Rep. Driscoll will speak again at another AmeriCorps Swearing-In Celebration next Friday, Nov. 12 at 10:30 a.m. on the Boston Common.