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UPDATE – Driscoll Amendment for Major Healthcare Pilot Program, Included in Final FY24 Budget


BOSTON – August 1, 2023 – A major healthcare proposal led by Representative Bill Driscoll Jr. (D-Milton) was prioritized by the Legislature when it met to approve the FY24 budget yesterday. The agreed upon budget between the House and Senate includes Driscoll's amendment that creates a two-year pilot program to expand eligibility for Massachusetts’ ConnectorCare health coverage program. The Driscoll proposal, An Act expanding affordable coverage through ConnectorCare (H.1186), was originally filed as a standalone bill earlier this year alongside his colleague, Representative Christine Barber (D-Somerville) and was championed fiercely by the advocacy group, Health Care for All. During the budget deliberations, mirrored language from H.1186 was moved forward as an amendment. The strategy was successful and inclusion of this pilot program in the budget ultimately expands affordable healthcare coverage access for qualifying Massachusetts residents.

ConnectorCare plans are an affordable and high-quality coverage option through the Massachusetts Health Connector. Plans include doctor visits, prescription medications, and emergency care with low monthly premiums, low co-pays, and no deductibles. There are several ConnectorCare Plan types, each of which are based on income.

The two-year pilot expands eligibility access to Massachusetts’ ConnectorCare programs to individuals living at or below 500% of the federal poverty level.

“Investment in ConnectorCare expansion is a huge win for the many Massachusetts residents seeking and in need of affordable healthcare. Inclusion of this 2-year pilot will alleviate financial burdens from those facing disproportioned healthcare hardships and is integral in the Commonwealth’s health equity work,” remarked Driscoll. “Routine medical visits were neglected or delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in delayed diagnoses and care; this pilot program will afford those who previously lacked accessibility to or were under threat of losing healthcare coverage, piece of mind related to affordable access to much needed care."




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